Needing a secure home for your raw milk?
Finding a milk producer to supply quality raw milk consistently, timeously and of a high quality is essential to any dairy-centric business. We aim to provide that and more for the end-user.
With an extensive number of milk producers in our ever-increasing client stable, we are in a privileged position to be able to dependably supply raw milk to buyers.
It is essential, when dealing with consumable products, that safety is the top priority to ensure a superior raw milk supply for our dairy buyers and their consumers. All Tip-Top drivers are equipped with the latest equipment and advances in technology necessary to ensure for safe travel on the roads and timeous delivery.
Timeous and consistent delivery solutions
Finding a milk producer to supply quality raw milk consistently, timeously and of a high quality is essential to any dairy-centric business. We aim to provide that and more for the end-user.
With an extensive number of milk producers in our ever-increasing client stable, we are in a privileged position to be able to dependably supply raw milk to buyers.
All Tip-Top drivers are equipped with the latest equipment and advances in technology necessary to ensure for safe travel on the roads and timeous delivery.
Superior raw milk collection
While dairy producers need a consistent, timeous collection service, it is essential that there are buyers for this raw milk. We source, collect and transport top-quality milk from dairy farmers throughout the country and, with an extensive number of strong relationships with milk buyers, we go the extra mile to find a ‘home’ for the milk by connecting farmers to dairy buyers countrywide.